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Chinese Women Driving the Global Diamond Sales

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De Beers said, Chinese women, especially married women pulled up the global diamond and jewelry sales, so that 2013 sales rose 3% year-on-year and reached a record $79 billion.

According to De Beers reports, Chinese demand for diamonds in 2013 rose 14%, which is the fastest growing worldwide. Most of the demand is created by the married women, whose purchase volume accounted for about two thirds of the amount of the purchase and sale.

In China, the purchase amount of ladies engaged takes up about 20% of the total purchase amount and less than 25% of sales; the purchase amount of single women accounts for about 14% of the purchase amount, and 11% of sales.

Mellier recognized that China is still the largest contributor to global growth in demand for diamond and jewelry, but the growth rate begins to slow down.

He also said that in the past 5-10 years, China was the motivation for that diamond business grows rapidly. Although the diamond business growth has declined, the diamond business in China still has much room for growth.

In recent years, with the number of new diamond mines discovered reducing, the productivity of the diamond reduced. Diamond mines in Botswana, South Africa and Namibia also tends to dry up. The deeper the mine is, the smaller profit margins diamond business has.  

Chinese demand for polished diamonds in the past 10 years has fully been demonstrated. The percent of China's demand for diamonds in total global demand increased from 2003 3% to 2013 13%.

At the same time, sales of diamonds in India and Japan in 2013 (in dollar terms) respectively decreased by 10% and 6%.
关键词: 钻石销量 中国女性

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