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Euro weakness strengthens hand of ECB policy makers

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欧洲央行行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)在电视上发表讲话称:“汇率的变化反映出欧洲相对于其他重要国家在货币政策方面的不同路线。”他说,欧洲央行仍将“在相当长的时间内”维持宽松的货币政策,“而其他国家的货币政策或许会逐渐反映出它们正在出现的复苏”。

Euro weakness strengthens hand of ECB policy makers 

  The euro is heading for its weakest quarterly showing since the climax of the eurozone crisis in a lift to policy makers as they aim to fend off the threat of deflation and lift the bloc’s flagging economy.
The single currency fell below $1.28 to the dollar for the first time in more than a year yesterday, taking its losses against the greenback since the start of July to 6.6 per cent. That puts it on course for its steepest quarterly fall since the autumn of 2011, when fears of the currency bloc imploding were at their height.
The depreciation stems from the radical steps taken by the European Central Bank to loosen monetary policy since June, including this month’s cuts in interest rates and the announcement it would start buying private sector assets.
But it also reflects a rally in the dollar that has gained momentum in recent weeks as the US Federal Reserve nears the end of its quantitative easing programme and investors look to the prospect of US interest rates rising in 2015.
“The exchange rate movement reflects the different path of monetary policies in Europe versus the monetary policies in other important countries,” Mario Draghi, ECB president, told broadcasters. The ECB’s monetary policy would remain loose “for an extended period of time while other countries monetary policies may gradually acknowledge that recovery is taking place in their countries,” he said.
The Fed has stressed the course of its monetary policy will be determined by economic data. The Fed has hinted at possible rate rises by the middle of next year, but the currency and bond markets are pricing in an increase by March, if the US economy gathers momentum. (更多资讯请关注中国进出口网

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