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APEC峰会召开 贸易发展有望重获动力

APEC Summit Held, Trade Development Expected to Regain Momentum

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一、 贸易规模不断攀升



APEC是我国最大区域贸易往来伙伴,与APEC成员进出口接近2万亿美元。2014年1-9月,我国对APEC成员进出口1.98万亿美元,增长0.97%。 其中,出口1.07万亿美元,增长2.09%;进口0.91万亿美元,下降0.32%。 (中国进出口网)

The theme of this year's APEC meeting is "to build a future-oriented partnership between Asia and the Pacific", three major topics of the theme is "to promote regional economic integration, to promote economic innovation and development, reform and growth, to strengthen all-round construction of infrastructure and interoperability." In the last ten years, China's trade with APEC members maintained a certain growth rate.

First, the trade volume is rising.
Customs Information Network (www.haiguan.info) data shows China continued to increase trade with APEC during 2004-2013 except 2009 international financial crisis. import and export to APEC members increased to $2.67 trillion in 2013 from $0.84 trillion, import and export from January to September this year increased to $1.98 trillion. In 2004, the growth of import and export between China and APEC reached 34.39 %, which is the highest growth rate for the past decade.


Second, trade market is highly concentrated.
APEC members who we have traded with is highly concentrated in the United States, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Taiwan Province of China. From January to September 2014, the import and export between China and these countries reached $1.26 trillion, accounting for 63.64 percent of import and export volume. Among these countries, the trade between China and US ranked first, import and export is $404.511 billion, an increase of 6.69%. The trade between China and Vietnam increased fastest, import and export reached $57.258 billion, the rapid growth is 21.84%.

Third, import goods are mainly integrated circuit and resources for food and agriculture
The first three merchandise imports from APEC members were integrated circuit, agricultural products and food. Among them, the imports of integrated circuits reached $151.311 billion, down 9.24%, the imports accounts for 16.58% of imports from APEC members. imports of agricultural products and food relatively reached $53.999 billion and $43.484 billion. The rest of imported goods are mainly resource-based commodities, including crude oil, coal and lignite and oil products.

Forth, APEC is the largest regional trade partner
APEC is the largest regional trade partner, trade between China and APEC members valued about $2 trillion. From January to September 2014, import and export between China and APEC members reached $ 1.98 trillion, an increase of 0.97%. Among them, the export was $1.07 trillion, an increase of 2.09%; imports $0.91 trillion, down 0.32 %.


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