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北京APEC带给世界惊喜 亚太贸易显示蓬勃活力

Beijing APEC Brings World Surprise, Asia-Pacific Trade Shows Vitality

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In the morning of 10th, the first great news is the declaration of the substantive negotiations on a free trade agreement between China and Korea, which means that Chinese consumers will buy cheaper cosmetics from South Korean; then, at noon, the news came that Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Abe had a short meeting, which is considered as the first ice-breaking performance since Sino-Japanese relations was stalemated for two years; in the afternoon, US President Barack Obama had a speech at which he gave China a big gift: he not only announced the visa deregulation of Chinese people’s learning and studying to the United States, but also stressed that the US welcomes the "peaceful and prosperous China", breaking the scenario assumptions that China and US would compete zones of influence at the meeting.

As Agence France Press ( AFP ) reported, the two-day Beijing APEC is a rare opportunity, which allowed countries to temporarily ignore the geopolitical conflict and promised to live in harmony and trade integration. In the evening of 10th APEC leaders were invited to dinner to attend a simple and efficient "enjoying while eating" party, showing the new working style of Chinese leadership. "Les Echos" commented that, if the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing demonstrated the amazing ability to organize sports events, now it would show that it "has returned to the center of the world."


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