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China Announces Measures to Encourage Imports Before APEC Summit

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China announced to business partners attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting a series of measures, including providing more bank credit to high-tech imports, as well as speeding up the approval of meat and seafood imports.

APEC leaders gathered in Beijing are interested in entering China's vast market. China’s increasing equipment imports will attract the United States, Japan and South Korea, China’s increasing fruits, seafood and meat imports will attract Taiwan, Southeast Asia and Australia. Australia hopes in the late of this month to reach a bilateral trade agreement with China.

China's State Council said that the import of high-tech equipment would help enhance China's industrial capacity. At the same time, many state-owned enterprises were struggling with the steady growth task Beijing mandated. Expansion and upgrading in recent years made these companies burdened with debt, if the industry is of overcapacity, they will be limited when getting new loan.

"To encourage banking institutions to increase credit support imports, to expand imports of advanced technology and equipment, key components, and to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading," "several opinions of the State Council Opinions on Strengthening imports" means.
关键词: APEC 中国 鼓励进口

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