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Declined Fertility Drags on US Economic Growth

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雅虎财经频道的Jeff Macke说,“这是我们看到的首个给经济长期发展造成切实威胁的征兆”。美国需要2.1的生育率才能保持人口稳定。
2013年,女性人均生育率只有1.86,而更少的出生率和下滑的人口就意味着更低的消费水平。Macke 说,“这里说的是许多可支配收入,尿布以及一切与孩子有关的事物都是发展经济的印钞机”。


Nokidding! We need more babies. American fertility rates are declining at arecord pace. A new Wall Street Journal report citing data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that fewer births mean less workers to drive the economy and fewer people paying into a tax base to finance benefits for theelderly.


"Thisis one of the first signs we're seeing of a real tangible threat to the longterm economy," says Yahoo Finance's Jeff Macke. The U.S. needs 2.1 children per woman to keep the population stable.

In2013, women were only averaging 1.86. Fewer babies and a declining population means less consumer spending. "You're talking about a lot of disposable income.Diapers, anything related to a baby is just a money printing machine for the economy," Macke says.
So,why the decline? It could be a hangover from the recession that ended in 2009.Macke says, the Millennial generation is skeptical of the economy. "They came of age during the dotcom meltdown and then the housing meltdown. So they have reasons to distrust things like the stock market. Buying a house is just a ludicrous proposition right now." Economic concerns combined with the costs associated with starting a family are influencing this generation to wait longer and have fewer children.
Another factor in the declining rates is the delicate balance of work and life that today's women battle with. Women are heading into the workforce with careergoals that may put their family planning on hold. Facebook (FB) and Apple(AAPL)made headlines earlier this year by offering to cover the cost offreezing eggs for their women employees. An incentive they hope will retain and boost the amount of women in their workforce.

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