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七成中国大陆女性爱网购 价格低廉成主因

70% of Chinese Mainland Women Love Online Shopping Because of Low Price

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41% of Asian women when online shopping would buy something for their family out of "guilt", which was released on “the Asian women online shopping power on the rise” by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) yesterday. The report also said that compared with the offline store, 70% of Chinese mainland women favor online shopping.

The report showed that 49 percent of interviewee women agreed or strongly agreed that they prefer online shopping experience, compared with offline shopping, while 69 percent of the Chinese mainland women prefer online shopping.

The report pointed out that inexpensive goods was one of the main driving force of online shopping. 62% of Asian respondents thought that online shopping price was most preferential, about 70% of Chinese and South Korea agreed.

In Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, the proportion of women loving online shopping was much lower. For instance, in Japan, only 18% of women said they preferred online shopping to offline shopping. This was partly because the offline stores were distributed intensively in these markets.

Different from European and American women, Asian women treated online shopping as social activities and recreation: 63% of women chose "surfing even if not buying anything"; 59% said, "surfing even though no money".

In addition, when they shopped online much times, 41% of Asian women would buy something for their families in order to have "clear conscience." In mainland China, the proportion rose to 67%.

Reportedly, the report collected the online shopping big data of 5,500 women from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, India, Japan, Singapore and South Korea.

The EIU forecast that 2015 Asian retail market is expected to grow about as fast as 4.6%, reaching $7.6 trillion, far more than the European and North American markets, ranking the world's largest consumer market. Women will play a vital role in the whole Asian consumer market.
关键词: 网购 女性

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