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华中首个“国际超市”光谷开张 进口车厘子2小时抢光

First International Supermarket in Central of China Opens, Imported Cherries Sold out in Two Hours

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核心提示:开业不到2小时,“洋水果”被一抢而空 华中地区首个“国际超市”吸引了千余名来自武汉三镇的市民。
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imported fruit was sold out in less than 2 hours.
Central China's first international supermarket has attracted more than one thousand people from Wuhan city.
Center one has a display area of 4,000 square meters, mainly introducing branded goods from 33 countries and regions such as Europe countries, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia countries and Australia, including 200 international one, second-tier brands, major imported products are wine, baby products, health care products, fruits and vegetables, fashion products and electrical appliances.
You will see imported wine, baby products, cosmetics and other goods on the shelves, you will also see long queues in front of the checkstands. Since the open at 9:00 am, cherries and blueberries on the shelves have been sold out in less than two hours.
"Goods are shipped directly to Wuhan from abroad, many intermediate links reduced. imported goods at trade center are cheaper 10% to 20%, even 50% than those in the other markets." For example, imported cherries on the bonded area are 40 yuan, while their market price is nearly 80 yuan; the center currently has more than 6000 kinds of goods available for public purchase, next the luxuries and imported cars will be the key imported categories.
Inexpensive products always sell well. Daixi, deputy director at East Lake High-tech Zone Comprehensive bonded zone, said, during the 10 days of trial operation, average daily flow was more than 3,000 people, total sales more than 10,000, sales exceeded 1.2 million yuan.
According to the plan, the future of the trade center will extend into CBD of Wuhan, branches will be created in the downtown business district. The distribution center is being integrated currently and this year the products can be delivered directly to home. The center will also build imported merchandise trade distribution center with about 126 acres, and create a new foreign business center integrating shopping, leisure, entertainment and business in the comprehensive bonded zone.

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