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The world's happiest economies: Thailand tops the Chinese mainland ranks seventh

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According to foreign media reports, Bloomberg News on March 3 local time announced the "misery index" of 51 global economies, Thailand, Switzerland and Japan become the world's happiest economies, China ranked seventh.

It is understood that the misery index is based on the level of inflation and unemployment rates, which are two factors that make most consumers unhappy, the lower the misery index is, the happier the economy feels.

Last May a coup happened in Thailand, moreover, in 2015 predict per capita GDP ranked behind the most "painful" (misery index) Venezuela, but in this statistics, Thailand ranked first in the happiest economy. This is partly due to its exceptionally low unemployment rate. Currently, the unemployment rate is less than 1% in Thailand, and inflation not created.

In developed countries, Switzerland has become the happiest economy entity. Bloomberg expects the Swiss unemployment rate was 3.3 percent this year, prices will fall by 0.9 percent, for a European developed country, this is an excellent message.

This year’s relatively low inflation and unemployment makes Chinese mainland become the world's seventh "happiness" economy entity. Mainland China January CPI rose only 0.8 percent, the lowest record since January 2009. Chen Jianguang, chief economist at Mizuho Securities, said the price trend this year was not optimistic, it was expected that annual CPI will increase by around 1.6%.

United States ranked eighth in terms of misery index, because of rising unemployment rate, on February 6, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released, the US unemployment rate in January was 5.7%, up slightly from last month's 5.6%. In January unemployment were 8,98 million, an increase of 290 thousand from last month.

Venezuela become the most painful economy entity, the annual inflation rate is expected to reach 78.5 percent, according to foreign media reports, due to a severe shortage of basic domestic life items, Venezuela has exchanged oil for paper towels with its neighboring countries Trinidad and Tobago in February. In addition, the misery index in Ukraine (stuck in armed conflict and economic crisis), Greece, Spain and other European economies is higher.

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