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Global Tourism Competitiveness Report: Spain Ranks First

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这份报告包含对全球141个经济体进行的调查,旨在通过指数分析,衡量各国通过发展旅游业创造经济和社会效益的潜力。在亚洲国家中,日本凭借丰富的文化资源、完善的基础设施和一流的数字经济,在全球排名中位列第 9。另有八个亚洲国家进入榜单前50位,包括新加坡(第11位)、中国(第17位)、马来西亚(第25位)、泰国(第35位)以及印度尼西亚(第50位)。

报告认为,虽然目前排名前十的依然是传统旅游热门国家,如西班牙、法国、德国、美国、英国、瑞士、澳大利亚、意大利和加拿大,但发达国家与新兴经济体之间的旅游竞争力差距正在逐渐缩小。随着国际游客人数的日益增长和本地区中产阶层游客群体的壮大,东亚地区已经成为全球最具活力的旅游热点地区。同时,在2013至2014 年间,东南亚是全球游客增长最快地区之一。(中国进出口网

On the 6th May, the Geneva-based World Economic Forum released 2015 Tourism Competitiveness Report, Spain ranked first in the world for the first time to become the world's most powerful country regarding the tourism competitiveness, China ranked No. 17.

The report made a survey in 141 global economies, it was aimed by index analysis to measure the potential of each country to create economic and social benefits through the development of tourism. In Asian countries, Japan, with a wealth of cultural resources, improved infrastructure and first-class digital economy, ranked ninth in the world rankings. Another eight Asian countries entered the top 50 list, including Singapore (ranking11), China (17), Malaysia (25), Thailand (35) and Indonesia (50).

It was reported that, although the current top ten countries are still traditional popular tourist countries such as Spain, France, Germany, the United States, Britain, Switzerland, Australia, Italy and Canada, tourism competitiveness gap between developed and emerging economies is gradually narrowing. With the growing number of international tourists and the growing the middle class tourist group, East Asia has become the world's most dynamic tourist hot spot. Meanwhile, from 2013 to 2014, Southeast Asia was the world's fastest-growing tourist region.

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