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中欧班列返程货源增 丝路沿线经贸往来多

Backhauls on Sino-european Trains and Economic and Trade Exchanges along Silk Road Increase

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In April, at Alashankou railway port, the containers of 68,000 tons are shipped to China, an increase of 39.5%. It’s analyzed that it’s because that backhaul sources gradually go into the normalization of operation and promote the port container imports, besides China Railway Corporation encourages the large-scale development of containers.

On May 18 (the local time at Madrid), loaded with 60 standard containers of Spanish wine, a freight train pulled out, and is expected to arrive at Yiwu West Railway Station in 20 days, and the Spanish specialty will be sold in Zhejiang and other areas of China.

Earlier, in August 2014, "Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe" train first carried out original automobile and arrived in Chongqing railway port, creating a precedent that Chinese inland railway port imports vehicles.

It is reported that in 2014, China Railway Construction Corporation accelerated to build the sino-EU railway line, ran 308 Central European trains for the whole year, sent 26070 containers, increasing by 285% a year earlier, and promoted the development of economic and trade exchanges between China and EU. Railway Corporation said, in 2015 they would focus to import cars, machinery and equipment, chemicals, and agricultural products, develop backhaul sources and lower total logistics costs.

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