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朴槿惠将率156人经济使节团访华 规模历届之最

Park Geun-hye to Visit China with 156 Economic Envoys, History’s Largest Scale

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South Korean presidential office Cheong Wa Dae Chief Secretary of the Economic Anzhong Fan, on August 31st, said at a press conference, President Park Geun-hye would head the history’s largest economic envoys to China, it is expected to achieve fruitful results in the economic field.

It is understood, the economic envoys led by Park Geun-hye’s are from the 128 enterprises and consist of 156 member, which is the largest scale in history. The economic envoys will hold the China-ROK business forum together with the local enterprises, and will carry out one-to-one business meeting activities.

Anzhong Fan also said that China and South Korea in 2014 signed a free trade agreement (FTA), the two countries are currently in the approval stage, Park Geun-hye's visit is expected to promote China-ROK FTA early entry into force. During the talks, the leaders of China and South Korea may discuss the issues about FTA effectiveness.

Park Geun-hye will visit China on September 2-4, and attend the "Sino-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War 70th anniversary" celebration held in Beijing. On September 4th, she will lead the economy envoys to attend the China-ROK Business Forum.

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