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夏季达沃斯论坛9日大连开幕 中国话题受关注

Summer Davos Forum Opens on September 9th in Dalian China

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World Economic Forum 2015 Annual Meeting of the New Champions (also known as the Summer Davos Forum) will be held from September 9 to 11 in Dalian, China, there will be more than 1,700 guests from 90 countries participating.

Liang Linchong, the Deputy Director of China's National Development and Reform Commission, Department of International Cooperation on the 2nd said at a press conference held in Beijing, the Chinese government hopes to clarify through Davos forum, the Chinese economy as a whole is positive, China will adhere to the market-oriented reforms direction, and that China will pay more attention to rely on innovation to drive development; potential and prospects of China's economic development is very broad, which will bring more development opportunities to the world.

The Summer Davos Forum is themed by "depicts the new growth blueprint". Liang Linchong said the theme reflected the common concerns of the current international community to promote economic development. Guests will seek new growth points under the background of science and technology innovation, and make suggestions for the world economy balance and sustainable development.

Under this theme, some topics receives much concern, such as the impact of Chinese economy into the"new normal" to the world economy, how to carry out international productivity cooperation, the impact of RMB internationalization reform, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Silk Road Fund and other Chinese-led global institutions to world order.

According to reports, it has been confirmed that the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Yuri Trutnev, Mongolian Prime Minister Chimid Saihan Bielefeld, and the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Kariba Arsenishvili will attend.

Many Chinese officials and business people will attend the forum, including Alibaba Chairman of the Board Jack Ma, the director of the National Internet Information Office Lu Wei, and the National Development and Reform Commission Xu Shaoshi and so on.

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