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2015年中国网络零售额预计达4万亿 位居世界第一

China's Online Retail Volume Expected to Outperform Rest of World by Reaching Four Trillion Yuan (618 Billion USdollars) This Year

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China's online retail volume is expected to outperform the rest of the world by reaching four trillion yuan (618 billion USdollars) this year, Commerce Minister Gao Hucheng said Sunday.

China has attained key targets outlined by the 12th Five-Year Plan by the end of 2015 to become a genuine giant trader, Gao said at a national meeting on commerce work.
China is now home to over 80,000 trade markets and total retail sales of consumer goods would reach 30 trillion yuan this year with consumption contributing to about 60 percent of total GDP growth, Gao said.

2015年中国网络零售额预计达4万亿 位居世界第一

In the past five years, China's exports of goods grew at an annual average of 6.5 percent, with its share in the global market rising form 10.4 percent in 2010 to about 13.2 percent in 2015, faring much better than major global economies. Service trade grew over 13.6 percent each year, marking the world's second largest service trader.

China's actual use of foreign capital during the 2010-2015 period is expected to reach 620 billion USdollars with the tertiary sector taking over 60 percent of total foreign capital. Outbound direct investment grew at 14.2 percent annually.
China will continue to improve market environment and tap consumption potential while developing complementary cross-border industrial and value chain with countries along the Belt and Road Initiative in the next five years, according to Gao.

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