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6月中国官方PMI升至51 达今年最佳

China's manufacturing survey hits 2014 high

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核心提示:中国政府支持的对3000家企业的调查显示,6月中国制造业状况达到今年以来最佳水平。 China's state-sponsored survey of 3,000 companies suggested manufacturing conditions hit their best level of the year in June.






China's state-sponsored survey of 3,000 companies suggested manufacturing conditions hit their best level of the year in June.

The purchasing manufacturers' index moved up from 50.8 to 51, the highest level since December, matching estimates.

A level above 50 in this index shows expansion and this is the 22nd straight month above that threshold.

The data supports the thesis that China's economy has stabilised in the second quarter after the government introduced more economic stimulus and loosened the money supply. The support continued on Monday, when Beijing redefined Loan to Deposit Ratios to help boost lending.

HSBC's monthly survey of China's manufacturing sector gave a final reading of 50.7, up from 49.4 in May (but slightly below the 50.8 "flash estimate" a week ago).

June marks the first month above that level since December.The forward looking new orders component saw the strongest rate of growth in 15 months.

Hongbin Qu, economist at HSBC, said the survey "confirms the trend of stronger demand and faster destocking."

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