
从本次海尔U+开发者大会邀请的与会嘉宾(高通全球副总裁Joseph Bousaba,百度云首席架构师侯振宇,Realtek副总经理颜光裕)和超过300多名来自百度、GE、丰田、realtek、华为等知名企业专业人士的阵容来看,海尔似乎在向行业宣称“我就是要成为真正的老大!”

If you have seen a fiction movie called "Minority Report", you must be impressive with the Cool scenes of life about smart home. Recent years, smart home has become the cosset of the industry with the development of Internet, big data and intelligent hardware.
Smart home market is profitable. According to the latest survey data, 2010-2013 China smart home market has continuously maintained an annual growth of over 20 percent, the Ministry of Housing policies also said more than 60 percent of the housing will have some smart home environment. As a leading brand, how can Haier easily leave a huge piece of cake to someone else?
As to Smart home market in China, its concept is booming, but the practical application tepid. Because market competition lack standardized interoperability, corporate is weaker than giants when struggling and other reasons, there is possibility for Haier to establish an open platform, integrate domestic enterprises and lead the domestic intelligence market with solid strength of its own capital, technology, resources, etc.
From this Haier U + Developers Conference attendees invited (Joseph Bousaba the vice president of Qualcommof Global, Hou Zhenyu Chief Architect of cloud Baidu , Yan Guangyu deputy general manager of Realtek) and more than 300 well-known business professionals from Baidu, GE, Toyota, realtek, Huawei, etc., we can know that Haier seems to claim to the industry "I just want to be the real boss!"
U + operating system does not make you down, an APP, for just 12 seconds, help you get all of the appliances household equipment, no matter which brand which type a product is. For example, you can control home appliances by wechat. Refrigerators can always remind you of shelf life of food and remind you how to have a better healthier diet through your week dietary content. Home gas will automatically shut off the gas valve, then emit toxic gas ... An APP ... covers a comprehensive set of intelligent home solutions and has a strong technical support, which will excite the people who pursuit more personalized, automated, fast-paced, fun-filled lifestyle. Today user is the king, the ultimate experience must lead to a broad market, that’s the ambition of Haier.