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上海3D打印建筑交付使用, 24小时造10幢房

3D Printing Architecture in Shanghai Put into Service, 10 Houses Built in 24 Hours

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3D Printing Architecture in Shanghai Put into Service, 10 Houses Built in 24 Hours

On August 21, ten 3D printing buildings in Qingpu Hi-tech Park Zhangjiang Shanghai, was formally delivered as an office of local relocation project. These "printed" building wall is overlay printed layer upon layer through a large 3D printer, with a special "ink" made of construction waste, according to computer-designed drawings and scheme. The process to build 10 cottages only takes up to 24 hours.

The printed house is not big, and it is with at most two floors and a dozen square. Its specialty is that you do not see a piece of brick up and down, and that its wall shows a ring cake structure stacked by layers of cement, each about 2cm high. Distinctive wall, in fact, is overlay printed layer upon layer on the spot, with a special "ink", according to computer-designed drawings and programs.

As for the mystery in the printing process, the inventor of the technology said, it was their top secret right now. The entire printing process just needs a drawing, a computer, enough "ink" produced on the spot, if you have these, you can print out the 10 buildings of 200 ㎡ within 24 hours.

The inventor introduced, this printer is 6.6 meters high, 10 meters wide, 32 meters long. Its base covers an area like a basketball court, and its height is as tall as a building with three floors. What’s more, you can also extend its length---fully opened length is 150 meters. This printer was assembled in a plant in Suzhou. These 3D printing houses in Qingputhat were shipped to Shanghai after they were printed in Suzhou.

The inventor said, the "ink" is a kind of concrete material processed with special glass fiber, its strength is much higher than reinforced concrete, service life longer. "Hollow wall not only greatly reduces the weight of the building itself, but makes us fill with insulation materials at will, design wall structure at will, and solve the problem of load-bearing structure of the wall. So whether bridges, barracks, theaters, or hotels, residential, the strength and fastness of building body are in line with or even higher than the national construction industry standard.

After windows and doors are installed, all kinds of wire and pipe are lined up, the whole laminate flooring and furniture can be printed by a printer. In one month the owner can live there. In addition, it is very environmentally friendly to build houses with the 3D printing technology and its cost is 50% cheaper.

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