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中国消费者趋于理性 拉低奢侈品市场

Chinese Consumers Tend to Be Rational, Luxury Market Pulled Down

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核心提示:贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Co)14日公布的一份报告显示,2015年全球奢侈品消费市场将与今年持平,美国和日本市场仍占据主导地位,而中国消费者消费趋于理性,打击奢侈品市场。
贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Co)14日公布的一份报告显示,2015年全球奢侈品消费市场将与今年持平,美国和日本市场仍占据主导地位,而中国消费者消费趋于理性,打击奢侈品市场。

贝恩表示,中国奢侈品市场需求自2011年以来出现疲软态势,奢侈品消费在中国急速放缓。贝恩的一名研究人员Claudia d'Arpizio称,受中国政府抑制奢侈品消费以及中上层阶级消费趋于理性等因素影响,在过去的18-24个月间,中国消费者抢购奢侈品热情降温。

A Bain & Co report released on 14th shows that in 2015 the global luxury goods market will be flat with the condition of this year, the US and Japanese markets will be still dominant, while Chinese consumer will tend to be rational, which will blow luxury goods market.

Bain said the Chinese luxury goods market had been sluggish in demand since 2011, there was a sharp slowdown in luxury consumption in China. Claudia d'Arpizio, one of the researchers, from Bain & Co said, in the past 18-24 months, the enthusiasm that Chinese consumers bought luxuries cooled down, because Chinese government curbed the luxury consumption and upper middle class tended to be rational.

It is reported that this year China's luxury goods sales grow only 2 %, which is below last year's 7% growth.
关键词: 中国 奢侈品 市场

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