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2万家线下门店参与淘宝“双12”- 支付宝钱包付款可半价

20,000 Offline Stores Participate Taobao "12.12" Plan - You to Be Given a Discount of 50% Through Alipay payment

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In the Taobao "12.12" plan, not only online shops are in full swing, but also offline stores participate. This year, nearly 100 brands offline and approximately 20,000 stores will participate in the activity. On December 12, if you pay though Alipay, the store will give you a discount of 50%, the stores include restaurants, desserts, bakery, supermarket, CVS and other places of daily consumption.

Haidilao and Wangxiangyuan nationwide stores and Pizza Hut stores in Shanghai will give you a discount of 50% on December 12, if you pay though Alipay, the preference is 50 yuan at most. It starts from 8:00 am. Supermarkets like Wumart, Wanning, Century Lianhua, xinyijia, Lotus, zhongbai, Wushang, Zhejiangrenben also participate. Vending machines throughout the metro station, school and office buildings are also included. There are 18 brands like youbao, miyuan, yichu participating. You just need to pay one cent to buy drinks through Alipay.
关键词: 支付宝

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