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袁大伟:3D打印行业未来不比互联网弱 届时不需要淘宝

Yuan Dawei: 3D Printing Industry in the Future Better than Internet Taobao Not Needed Then

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核心提示:12月14日,第二届中国产业改革发展年会在京召开,会议主题为“新常态下的产业改革发展之路”。下午举行以“改革促调整 创新驱动助发展”为主题的圆桌会议,青岛奥德莱三维打印有限公司首席执行官袁大伟参与了交流对话。

12月14日,第二届中国产业改革发展年会在京召开,会议主题为“新常态下的产业改革发展之路”。下午举行以“改革促调整 创新驱动助发展”为主题的圆桌会议,青岛奥德莱三维打印有限公司首席执行官袁大伟参与了交流对话。




On December 14, the second annual meeting of China's industry reform and development was held in Beijing, with the theme "The road of reform and development of the industry under the new normal." In the afternoon the round-table conference was held with the theme of "reform pushing adjustment and innovation driven develop ”. Yuan Dawei, CEO of Qingdao AOD 3D printing Ltd. participated in an interactive dialogue.

Yuan said that in the future Internet would have a strong power of subversion , now we always talked about the industry 4.0, while combined to 3D printing, we would introduce a concept: industry 5.0. Each family was a miniature factory, with this concept, the structure of industry and logistics would be adjusted.

Yuan took Taobao for example, you placed an order, then the factory produced the product, and then sent it to you, which took long time, but if you produced it at home, there would be no need to buy on Taobao theoretically. You could create information and print it on your own, Taobao would be not necessary, it didn’t save time, it just made the information richer.

He pointed out, if the information was rich enough and personalized, Taobao and logistics would be not needed. For example, the products were shipped to Beijing in batches in the past but now they are shipped to Beijing one by one, causing the traffic congested. Thus a lot of factories change their production model. “I'm worried, 3D printing industry looks very humble now, as we thought of Alibaba a decade ago, but it won’t be weaker than Internet, it’s just beginning in China.”
关键词: 3D打印

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