德国之声电台网站1月17日报道称,相比之下,这个政策似乎有利于牛奶收购者和乳制品产业。面对着欧洲停滞不前的需求,乳制品产业把希望放在需求不断增大的国外市场。大多数乳制品销售经理常挂在嘴边的一句口头禅是"国外好赚钱"。德国牛奶产业协会主席恩格尔(Karl-Heinz Engel)形容产业的发展前景时表示:“乳制品产业寻找并发现了全球多地的新市场,但必须我们继续投资打开新市场。”
纵观全球,世界三大乳业巨头是瑞士的雀巢集团、其次是法国的达能和拉克塔利斯公司。德国最大的奶制品公司是DMK乳业公司(Deutsche Milchkontor),营收规模达到了约53亿欧元,居世界乳制品公司排名第13位。(中国进出口网)
Foreign media reported that once the EU milk production quotas ban was lifted, a wave of production would emerge, large dairy plants would expand productivity to the maximum in order to lower prices. And small businesses might be defeated in this price war.
Deutsche Welle reported on January 17, by contrast, this policy seemed to favor buyers of milk and dairy industries. Faced with stagnant demand in Europe, the dairy industry hoped to increase the demand on foreign markets. Most dairy sales manager often says "it’s easier to make money abroad." President of the German Milk Industry Association Karl-Heinz Engel described the development prospects of the industry, "The dairy industry looks for and discover new markets around the world, but we must continue to invest in new markets."
In 2013 total output value of German milk products reached nearly 12 billion euros, sales of the dairy industry more than 25 billion euros. Germany is the world's fifth largest dairy producer. The world's largest dairy exporter is New Zealand, followed by the EU and the US. dairy exporting countries, Australia is also a very important dairy exporting country.
The EU believes that China is still the largest country in the demand for imported dairy products. It is learned that the 1/5 world's dairy products are shipped to China.
Throughout the world, the world's three major dairy giants are Swiss Nestle Group, France's Danone and Lactalis. Germany's largest dairy company is Deutsche Milchkontor, and its revenue reached approximately 5.3 billion euros, ranking 13rd among the dairy companies in the world.