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China Cuts Interest Rates Pushing up Iron Ore Price

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根据钢铁指数公司(The Steel Index)的价格评估,即期中国到岸澳大利亚基准铁矿石价格周一上涨2美元,达到每吨62.5美元,涨幅3%。自4月初铁矿石跌至每吨46.7美元的6年半内最低点以来,如今铁矿石价格已激增近35%。


此外,在四大海运铁矿石生产商中,必和必拓(BHP Billiton)、Fortescue metals Group及淡水河谷(Vale)这三家都曾暗示,它们可能会愿意调整铁矿石产量。最近几年,铁矿石产量已急剧增长,超过了已然减弱的需求。


Iron ore, the key ingredient in steelmaking, has extended its recent breathtaking rally after China cut interest rates for a third time in six months in a further attempt to shore up its slowing economy.

Benchmark Australian ore for immediate delivery into China rose $2, or 3 per cent, to $62.50 a tonne on Monday, according to a price assessment from The Steel Index. Iron ore has now surged almost 35 per cent since sinking to a six and a half year low of $46.70 in early April.

China is the biggest consumer of seaborne iron ore, purchasing around two-thirds of the world’s supplies. The latest rate cut should lower borrowing costs and ease the pressure on the country’s heavily indebted steelmakers.

A decline in Chinese ports stocks and a late buying spree by steel mills restocking ahead of the peak summer demand period have been the key drivers of the recent recovery in iron ore prices.
In addition, three of the four largest seaborne producers — BHP Billiton, Fortescue metals Group and Vale — have all suggested they might be willing to adjust production volumes, which have surged in recent years and overwhelmed weaker demand.
However, many analysts do not expect the recovery to last and believe prices will fall unless Chinese demand picks up or there is a real commitment to cut supply on the part of major producers.

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