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2014 Global Wine and Spirits Market Sales Decline

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According to the International Wine and Spirits Institute (IWSR) data, in 2014 the global spirits market fell by 0.1%, decreased 3.1 million boxes (9 liters). At the same time the global wine sales fell by 1.1%.

Local spirits consumption in America, Europe and the CIS decreased, Brazilian rum and Ukrainian vodka sales declined severely. In Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, local spirits consumption was still growing.

Overall, the spirits consumption in Africa and the Middle East grew fastest, local spirits reached 1.2 million boxes, imported spirits 1.5 million boxes. IWSR said it is the key area of growth and investment.

US and European markets on imported spirits continues to grow, but the growth rate slowed declines compared with 2013, whiskey and flavor spirits has become an important driving force. In fact, the whiskey is the largest growth categories, sales increasing 10 million cases in both local and export markets, India, the United States and Angola are the top three growth markets.

According to IWSR, in Europe, whiskey and gin sell well, flavored spirits and vodka did not seem to be favored by consumers.

In 2014 global wine market declined by 1.1%, losing 39.5 million boxes. imported wine consumption was flat, the local wine sales fell by 1.5%. Because of the political struggle and economic turmoil, the wine consumption of CIS declined fastest.

Similarly beer consumption declined in 2014, cider and mixed drinks sales grew.

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