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Traditional Chinese Medicine Makers Expanding Their Presence in Global Markets

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Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) makers are expanding their presence in the global markets in a big way, as the government reiterated its support to further strengthen the sector.

Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Holdings Co Ltd, the largest patent drugmaker in China, is setting up a 200 million yuan ($30.87 million) fund to expand its overseas TCM presence in the next five years, according to company officials.
The fund will be mainly used for the overseas registration of TCM products, global market operations and international cooperation, said Wang Wenchu, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Baiyunshan.


The Shanghai-listed company has already made a good start by signing a cooperation agreement with a Nigerian company last month.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang Group Co Ltd, a time-honored TCM producer, is also expanding its global presence, said Ding Yongling, deputy general manager of group.
Tong Ren Tang already runs 115 medicine stores in 25 countries and regions, said Ding, adding that the company may consider more acquisitions in overseas markets like local medicine stores, clinics and other TCM companies.
The latest support commitment from the government comes close on the heels of the draft of China's first TCM law being discussed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The law will help TCM companies provide more products to patients globally, said Liu Shengping, an analyst from Guolian Securities.
But there are still some challenges for China's TCM firms to go global because of the cultural and policy differences.

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