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international lefty day

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"Lefty" is not a disease, but a normal physiological phenomenon, which is formed with a certain genetic relationship, wheras the medical filed is inconclusive. Left and right brain have different functions - the left brain controls logic, language, abstract thinking, while the right brain has music, painting, space geometry, imagination, and integration functions; for the "left-handed", the right brain is his advantage hemisphere.

The lefty declare, the purpose to establish an international lefty day is to tie up the lefty around the world, to struggle for their own interests, to arouse the whole society's attention to the issue left-hander and to remind people to improve product design for the lefty’s convenience and safety in a right-handed dominated society, therefore clear up prejudice against left-handers existing for thousands of years even still existing today in a variety of cultures.

There are lefty organizations in dozens of countries celebrating this festival, covering all the continents of the world. Europe is a place wher lefty organizations are active and the celebrity activities must be more ceremonious.


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