不过考虑到之前几次跟 LINE 有关的产品的热销情况,美心今年在香港地区与 LINE 联合推出的月饼礼盒可能会是例外。
美心与 LINE 此次在月饼上的合作再次搬出了后者大热的吉祥物四人组:布朗熊、可妮兔、馒头人和莎莉鸭。不管是在长方型纸盒的外包装,还是每款内含的四个金属小盒上,都有特别设计的印花图案。每组月饼礼盒还额外附赠一个 LINE 图案的束口袋,方便携带又一目了然地可爱,整套设计也非常方便粉丝们日常再利用。
价格方面,两款礼盒套装都仅需港币 88 元,相对于其他价格水涨船高的传统月饼,颇有竞争力。同样是美心、同样是奶黄馅,美心自己的 8 件装月饼礼盒的售价今年已经上涨至港币 288 元,较去年同期上浮 15.67%。但是考虑到美心并不会在大陆市场提供这款礼盒(是的,连天猫专营店也没有),心水的吃货们还是从了代购商吧。(由中国进出口网转载自广告门)

实际上,这是 LINE 第二次在香港打中秋节的主意了。2013年,LINE 在香港的全家便利商店曾推出布朗熊、可妮兔和馒头人三款限量版月饼,虽然同样引发抢购,但选用的红豆馅料被食客指口味一般。
除了与 LINE 合作之外,今年美心在香港特色的冰皮月饼领域也有所创新,推出的“米奇米妮共赏中秋冰皮月饼礼盒”在包装与设计上也颇具新意,只是 6 枚售价达到了港币 222 元,价格偏高。

Sept. 9, 2014
If there were no holidays, Mid-Autumn Day is only the one festival that draws the attention of the elder people. As to the sweet and oily moon cake, except for gifts, it is dispensable.
But considering the large sales of LINE-related products several times before, the moon cake gift jointly launched by Maxim and LINE in Hong Kong this year might be an exception .
LINE and Maxim cooperated with each other on moon cake again with the conception of the latter's mascot: Brown Bear, KeNi rabbit, duck buns and Sally.
Whether on a long rectangular carton packaging, or small boxes each containing four metals, there are specially designed prints. (Translated by Chinainout)

Each set of moon cake gift box also comes up with an extra LINE pattern pounch, easy to carry and with a cute appearance. The package design is also very easy to reuse for fans.
As to the price, two gift boxes are only HK $ 88 each, while the price of other traditional moon cake soared relatively. The price of the gift box is quite competitive. With the same brand and ingredients, th eprice of Maxim’s 8 installed moon cake gift has risen to HK $ 288 yuan, up 15.67% than last year. But given Maxim does not provide this gift in the mainland market (not even in the Tianmao Store), those who want to enjoy the moon cake can only buy them through other channels. (Translated by Chinainout)

In fact, this is the second time LINE played the Mid-Autumn Festival card in Hong Kong. In 2013, LINE has launched three limited edition moon cake shaped like Brown bears, rabbits and duck buns in Family Mart in Hong Kong. It triggered panic buying as well, but the red bean fillings tastes ordinary.
In addition to cooperation with LINE, this year Maxim has also been innovative in the field of snowy moon cake in Hong Kong, it has launched the "Mickey & Minnie Dramas Autumn Snowy Moon Cake Gift Box" are quiet novel in the packaging and design; the selling price reached HK $222 with only six pieces. The price is much higher than others.