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Customs of Iranian New Year

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核心提示:波斯新年,又叫做伊朗新年 (英文“NOW ROUZ”)。是世界历法每年的三月二十一日到二十四日。按照伊朗实行的伊斯兰历法, 每年3月21日 看作是春季的第一天,也是新一年的开始。和中国春节一样 他们需要大举庆祝一周。
波斯新年,又叫做伊朗新年 (英文“NOW ROUZ”)。是世界历法每年的三月二十一日到二十四日。按照伊朗实行的伊斯兰历法, 每年3月21日 看作是春季的第一天,也是新一年的开始。和中国春节一样 他们需要大举庆祝一周。


Persian New Year, also known as the Iranian New Year ("NOW ROUZ"). Begins from March 21 to March 24 each year in the world calendar. According to Iran's implementation of the Islamic calendar, the annual March 21 is seen as the first day of spring, and the beginning of the new year. Like Chinese New Year, they will celebrate for a week.

When bell rings in the New Year, Iranians usually display in the table seven items: Sir, Sanjed, Serke, Sib, Samag, Sabzeh, Samunu and sweets made from flour.

In Iran, celebrating the New Year is celebrating the arrival of spring. It’s always in late March in the Gregorian calendar. It takes a week to celebrate the New Year. People go to street and build a bonfire, also called "Night Fire", and then the whole family jump around in turn, hoping to burn bad luck, have bright days, drive out evil and illness, and be happy forever. On Iran's New Year's Eve, they will have seven courses, the name of each dish must begin with "S", which stands for good luck. From the first day to the third day, people will visit friends and relatives and make congratulations on Happy New Year. The last day of the New Year holiday, the entire family will go out for a walk and hope to the prevent evil.

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