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Hillary : Two U.S. presidents can appear in one family

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According to the U.S. New York Daily News in 8th July, the former U.S. first lady, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently accepted German Der Spiegel interview, it is not a problem that the American people selec peole from the same family as the president. She said, We had two Presidents Roosevelt.

       Recently, Hillary Clinton came to Germany to promote his new book, hard choices, which was published last month, in the Period, she accepted the Der Spiegel interview. She said, there were two presidents Roosevelt and two President Adams, maybe some families have a sense of mission or a tendency to go into politics."

However, Clinton also said, "Ultimately my surname did not help me successed", alluding that she failed when she competed with Barack Obama for the U.S. president in 2008.

       Clinton added:" Our political system is open to everyone and it is not the monarchy - I wake up in the morning, then gave it to my son." But Clinton acknowledged that the current income inequality is indeed a threat to democracy. She said: "People no longer believe as long as you work hard, the situation will get better. People have lost confidence in others and the political system. I think this is a great threat to democracy."

During the interview, Clinton also responded the event that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s mobile phone was monitored by the U.S. She said this is absolutely wrong. Although she no longer works in Government, she felt sorry. However, Clinton also emphasized that the United States would never sign a " no monitoring " agreement with any country. She said, " In some cases, monitoring is the most beneficial for everyone ." She said, " In some cases, monitoring is the most beneficial for everyone."



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