美国有线电视新闻网 2014年7月30日

By Ed Payne and Nick Paton Walsh, CNN
July 30, 2014 -- Updated 0659 GMT (1459 HKT)
Donetsk, Ukraine (CNN) - There are echoes of the Cold War as proRussian rebels battle Ukrainian government forces in the nation's east.
With the new sanctions announced by the European unio and United States against Russia this week, the stakes are getting higher and Moscow is getting more isolated.
"The major sanctions we're announcing today will continue to ratchet up the pressure on Russia, including the cronies and companies supporting Russia's illegal activities in the Ukraine," U.S. President Barack Obama said from the White House South Lawn on Tuesday.
"In other words, today Russia is once again isolating itself from the international community, setting back decades of genuine progress."
The new and harder-hitting sanctions show the West's waning patience with Russia over its disputed annexation of Crimea, its support of pro-Russian rebels and the impact of the shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which had many Europeans among the 298 people on board when it went down over eastern Ukraine.
Some of the new EU sanctions target eight "cronies" of Putin and three "entities" by limiting their access to EU capital markets, an EU official said on condition of anonymity. The people and entities will be named Wednesday, the official said.
Three state-owned banks named Tuesday by Washington means five of the top six financial institutions in Russia were on the sanctions list, according to a senior Obama administration official.