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7 ways the U.S. economy is trouncing Europe’s

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美国失业率是6.2%,而在欧元区为11.5%,其中希腊为27.2%,西班牙为24.5%,处于经济衰退所造成的高失业的困境。这些国家的青年失业率高于50%,而在美国是13%左右。众所周知,通常在欧洲解雇员工很件难事, 这意味着如果在美国裁员很常见的话,欧元区的这个比率会更高。

6 银行

对欧洲人来说他们对美国有很多合理的抱怨:美国的国会形同小丑,枪支到处都是,医疗保障不健全······ 然而从经济层面来说美国现在比欧洲形势要好。

7 ways the U.S. economy is trouncing Europe’s
We’ve got problems. There’s no doubt about that. But America seems like a breakout economy compared with the woes our European counterparts are dealing with.
The euro zone, which comprises the 18 countries that use the euro as their currency, just reported GDP growth of 0% for the second quarter. That comes after 0.2% growth in the first quarter. The U.S. economy had a terrible first quarter, too, with output falling by 2.1%. But that was followed by robust second-quarter growth of 4% and lots of other evidence of an economy getting stronger, not weaker.
The U.S. unemployment rate is 6.2%. In the euro zone, it’s 11.5%. Greece, at 27.2%, and Spain, at 24.5%, suffer from depression-level unemployment. Youth unemployment in these countries has been higher than 50% in 2014; in the U.S. , it hovers around 13%. Keep in mind, it’s generally harder to fire workers in Europe, which means the euro zone rates might be higher still if U.S. -style layoffs were common there.
3 Inflation
In the United States, it’s about 2%, which is close to the sweet spot that allows workers to earn raises that keep them ahead of modest increases in prices (though that’s not happening yet). In Europe, inflation is 0.4%, which is dangerously close to deflation -- which is usually worse than inflation. In an economy with deflation, future money is worth less, which means debt costs more and more to pay off over time. And people often put off purchases when they believe prices will fall, which can torpedo growth and hiring.
4Central-bank stimulus
The Federal Reserve is winding down the extraordinary policy known as quantitative easing, and by next year will probably begin to raise interest rates, barring any shocks to the economy. That’s what the Fed is supposed to do as the economy heats up. The European Central Bank, by contrast, is still considering whether it should begin quantitative easing, which the Fed kicked off in 2008. Again, Europe seems years behind the United States.

5 Stocks.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average and its European counterpart, the Dow Europe, are both within a few points of flat so far this year. But during the past five years, the DJIA has soared by 79% while the Dow Europe has ticked up just 25%. That performance gap reflects the much stronger U.S. economy and the head start America has on recovery, along with the Federal Reserve's highly accommodative monetary policy.
6 Banks
The U.S. banking sector is nearly healthy again, after the excesses of the early 2000s led to the 2008 financial meltdown, the extraordinary TARP bailouts and a slew of lawsuits and new regulations. Europe, however, is still dealing with bank failures and bailouts, such as the recent collapse of Banco Espirito Santo in Portugal. And European lenders are still unwinding billions of euros’ worth of risky debt. The upshot is that credit — the lifeblood of the economy — is slowly getting back to normal in the United States, while Europe lags far behind.
7 Geopolitical pressure
The conflict in Ukraine barely touches the U.S. economy, but it’s already causing pain in Europe, and this seems likely to worsen. “Sanctions targeting Russia’s financial, military and energy industries will eventually take a toll on European unio industrial production,” Moody’s Analytics wrote recently. A Russian ban on European food imports will force many farmers to find other markets for their food, possibly selling more in Europe, which would drive prices down and worsen the risk of deflation. And Europe stands to suffer if Moscow decides to curtail energy shipments, since it would have to find other sources of gas and oil — a problem the United States no longer has, thanks to a boom in domestic drilling.
Europeans, for their part, have plenty of legitimate gripes with America: We have a clown Congress, guns are everywher, and more Americans have TVs than healthcare. Economically, however, America remains a much better place to be right now.


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