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In Global Competitiveness Ranking Switzerland in the First Place for Six Years

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Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum released a 2014-2015 "Global Competitiveness Report" on September 3. This report covers 144 economies, Swiss comes first for six consecutive years, followed by Singapore and the United States. Finland, Germany, Japan, China Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Sweden ranks 4-10. Seriously affected by the Ebola epidemic, African countries Guinea falls into bottom this year. China's ranking rises to 28.

"Global Competitiveness Report" rankings is based on "Global Competitiveness Index", covering macroeconomic stability, infrastructure, medical standards, education, the goods and labor market efficiency, financial market maturity and so on.

In this report, top 10 has little change compared with that in previous years. Resorting to efficiency, innovation and macroeconomic stability, Switzerland comes first. However, Reuters noted, this year the Swiss labor market has difficulties-enterprises and research institutions is difficult to recruit qualified personnel, which is a threat to the country's ability to innovate.

This report analyzes China continues to stay ahead in the "BRICS". Government efficiency, education and training, business maturity, market functions and innovation have been improved. In addition, China's macroeconomic environment is more stable and inflation is under control. "China is no longer a " cheap labor origin " based on labor-intensive enterprises. It is necessary to create more valuable jobs.

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab reminded that governments are pursuing economic growth and reforms, making the healthy development of the global economy threaten. He called on countries to focus on structural reforms to ensure economic growth in sustainable and more inclusive way.
关键词: 瑞士 全球竞争力

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