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APEC会议今日启幕 亚太自贸区建设成焦点

APEC Meeting Begins Today, China Eyes Asia-Pacific FTA

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核心提示:11月5日APEC领导人会议周正式启幕,世界目光再次聚焦北京。本次APEC会议周各项活动如下: 11月5日至6日举行今年最后一次高官会,7日至8日举行APEC第26届部长级会议,10日至11日举行APEC第二十二次领导人非正式会议。会议周期间还将举行APEC工商领导人峰会、APEC领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会等工商界活动和领导人配偶活动。
11月5日APEC领导人会议周正式启幕,世界目光再次聚焦北京。本次APEC会议周各项活动如下: 11月5日至6日举行今年最后一次高官会,7日至8日举行APEC第26届部长级会议,10日至11日举行APEC第二十二次领导人非正式会议。会议周期间还将举行APEC工商领导人峰会、APEC领导人与工商咨询理事会代表对话会等工商界活动和领导人配偶活动。



On November 5th, APEC Leaders' Meeting Week officially begins, the world eyes Beijing again. The APEC meeting week's activities are as follows: from 5th Nov. to 6th Nov. the last senior officials meeting will be held, from 7th to 8th, the 26th APEC Ministerial Meeting will be held, from 10th to 11th, the 22th leaders' Informal Meeting will be held. Some business activities such as APEC CEO Summit, APEC leaders and ABAC representatives dialogue and the leaders’ spouse activity will be held during the week meeting.

Theme of this year's APEC meeting is "to build a future-oriented partnership between Asia and the Pacific", this year's APEC meeting regards "promote regional economic integration," "promote economic innovation and development, reform and growth," "strengthen all-round construction of infrastructure and interoperability" as three key issues.

The meeting is expected to make new breakthroughs in three main directions: First, start Asia-Pacific FTA and take the first step to regional economic integration; the second is to make clear the five pillars including economic reform, innovative growth and to explore new impetus to the Asia-Pacific Economic; the third is to focus linkage development and to outline the Asia-Pacific round interconnection new blueprint. The meeting is expected to achieve three main objectives: to build together the future of the Asia-Pacific partnership, to jointly build an open Asia-Pacific economic pattern and to planning the future direction of APEC.
关键词: APEC 亚太自贸区

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