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中韩自贸协定有望明年签署生效 90%贸易税目都将变零

China and South Korea Expected to Sign FTA Next Year, 90% Trade Tariff to Be Zero

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Recently, Chinese President Xi Jinping and South Korean President Park Geun-hye ROK jointly announced the end of substantive negotiations about the FTA. On the 17th, Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen introduced the latest progress of this Agreement, "According to the plan, the next few technical issues will be carried out on the working layer, all negotiations will be completed within the year, the agreement will be signed as soon as possible next year, if all goes well, the agreement is expected to come into effect in the second half of next year. "

We can see, 90% of trade tariff lines will become zero. China and South Korea free trade agreement will benefit many industries in China, especially some areas like mechanical and electrical products, metal products, agricultural product areas; similarly dominant industries in Korea will also benefit, because 90 percent of tariff lines, 85% of the volume of trade through the subsequent transition period, the tariff is zero, then the vast majority of industrial property in South Korea will benefit.

Meanwhile, China and South Korea through tariff reduction to zero, make the integration of the two markets, which will help two countries’ industrial division of labor in a wider market, the value chain formation and competitiveness improvement. China-ROK FTA is a very broad coverage of the FTA, all sectors influenced. The influence is just not at the same degree, so I think all companies should study the FTA and how to make use of this FTA.

Earlier, South Korea has expected China-ROK FTA would promote Korean products to enter the Chinese market. That is to say, Chinese people are expected to buy cheaper clothing, cosmetics, food and so on from South Korea.

Currently, China is South Korea's largest trading partner, by country, South Korea is China's third largest trading partner. Studies have pointed out that if China and South Korea FTA takes effect, China's economic growth will increase 1-2 percent, the contribution to the Korean economy is expected to reach 2% -3%.
关键词: 中韩自贸协定

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