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China Plans to Scrap Its Food Salt Monopoly With History of 2,ooo years

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学者傅罗文(Rowan KFlad)在《古代中国的盐业生产和社会等级》(Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in AncientChina)一书中写道,早在公元前685年,山东半岛的齐国就开始对盐业生产进行垄断,但这种制度或许出现得更早。
消费者长期以来一直反对终结盐业专营制度的举措。中国问题学者詹姆斯·赖利(James Reilly)在2011年出版的《强大的社会,聪明的国家》(Strong SocietySmart State)一书中写道,相关机构在2009年提议取消专营制度,但网络调查显示,大多数参与调查的人希望政府继续控制,中央政府最终放弃这一提案。《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)杂志指出,随着一些网络评论引起人们对有毒工业用盐与食盐混杂在一起的现象的关注,这种担心再次出现。


China plans to scrap its state monopoly on the sale of saltmarking the end of a system withnearly 2,700 years of historyThe move is intended to bolster competitionthe Beijing YouthDaily reportedciting the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Chinas economic planners have tried for years to eliminate the monopolybut facedopposition from the China National Salt Industry Corporationthe state-owned agency thatcontrols salt distributionand from consumers concerned about prices and food safety.

A monopoly on salt production was introduced as early as 685 B.C. in the state of Qi on the Shandong Peninsula, though it may have existed even earlier than that, the scholar Rowan K. Flad writes in “Salt Production and Social Hierarchy in Ancient China.”

Under the system, the government designated who could produce salt, and the shipping of salt outside authorized districts was banned. The salt trade was long a significant source of revenue for the state, and helped provide revenue and pay for troops in far-flung outposts of the Chinese empire.
As China has industrialized, the contribution of the salt monopoly to overall tax revenues has greatly diminished, but it has still served important functions. As recently as the mid-1990s, China experienced widespread problems of preventable developmental disabilities because of a lack of iodine in children’s food supply. In 1995, the country mandated that edible salt be iodized to reduce the problem, and the salt monopoly was used to enforce that rule.
Studies have found a significant reduction in levels of iodine deficiency since the requirement was put in place.
Consumers have long complained about efforts to end the salt monopoly. When a proposal was put forward to eliminate the system in 2009, the central government backed down in the face of online opinion surveys that showed a majority of respondents wanted the government controls to remain in place, the China scholar James Reilly wrote in his 2011 book “Strong Society, Smart State.” Those concerns have revived again, as online comments have raised concerns about the inclusion of toxic industrial salts being mixed with edible salt, the magazine Foreign Policy has noted.
关键词: 中国 取消 盐业专营

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