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China’s Tariff Adjustment Next Year: Many Import Products’ Tariffs Reduced

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To support the industrial transformation and upgrading, promote the transformation of foreign trade development mode and promote economic continuously healthy development, China's import and export tariffs will be adjusted partly since January 1 2015, after the tariff commission’s consideration and state council approval.

In order to optimize the structure of imports and meet the needs of domestic production and people’s life better, China will apply provisional duty rate (less than MFN rate) to part of import commodities in 2015. Among them, the products of the first provisional import tax rate and further reduction of tax rate include optical communication laser, automatic wire welding machines and other advanced manufacturing equipment and spare parts; electric car brakes with electronic control and other products for energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection; ethylene, nickel-iron and other energy resources products required by domestic production; lipid-lowering AIPs, macadamia nuts, camera lens and other drugs and consumer products. At the same time, considering industry, technology development and market conditions, China won’t apply provisional import tax rate to refrigeration compressors, car radio, inkjet printers and other commodities no longer, China will appropriately increase the tentative tax rate of natural rubber and other commodities.

To meet the needs of scientific and technological progress, industrial restructuring, trade structure optimization and import and export management enhancement, China will partly adjust import and export tariff regulations in 2015. After the adjustment, the 2015 total number of tariff items will increase to 8285 from 9277.
关键词: 进口商品 税率降低

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