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China and Belarus Sign Billions-of-dollar Economic Agreements

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When Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Belarus in Eastern Europe, China and Belarus yesterday signed a series of economic agreements worthy of billions of dollars.

"China Daily" quoted from Zhang Dong, the deputy Eurasian director of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, during Xi’s visit to Belarus, both countries signed nearly 20 economic cooperation agreements, worth about $15.7 billion.

People's Bank of China and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus signed a bilateral currency swap agreement - 7 billion yuan / 16 trillion Belarusian rubles, valid for three years. This agreement will facilitate bilateral trade and investment and promote bilateral economic development.

China Development Bank also provided Belarus Development Bank with a 15-year low-interest loans of $ 700 million, and agreed to extend the 300-million-dollar loan period for Belarus ASB Bank.

When Xi Jinping talked with the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on Sunday, he agreed to take measures to expand bilateral trade scale and confirmed the sino-Belarus industrial park of 80 square kilometers was a strategic project. Xi also encouraged Chinese companies to invest in the park and set up high-tech enterprises.

Sino-Belarus industrial park is near the Ming Gdansk airport, with the planning area 91.5 square kilometers, which is the largest investment project in Belarus, but also the largest economic and technological cooperation project between China and Belarus.

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