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A Large Group of Entrepreneurs Accompany Chinese Premier to Visit Brazil

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will arrive in Brazil on an official visit this evening(May 20) and begin his Latin America tour. On Prime Minister Lee's visit to Brazil, a delegation of more than 120 entrepreneur will accompany the visit, in addition to the five senior officials. Brazilian President Rousseff will host Prime Minister Lee and will witness the signing of more than 40 cooperation agreements.

Brazil's Foreign Ministry issued a communique, which disclosed some of the activities arranged for Prime Minister Lee's visit, including meeting the the House and Senate Speakers, visiting Rio de Janeiro and attending several events.

One year later of the Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Brazil, the Premier Li Keqiang's visit is another important visit, which indicates the increasingly close political relations between the two countries, and further strengthened cooperation in finance, agriculture, energy and transport.

Since 2009, China has became Brazil's main trading partner, in 2014 the bilateral trade volume reached 77.9 billion US dollars, China maintained a trade surplus of $ 3.3 billion.

After Brazil Prime Minister Lee will also visit Colombia, Peru and Chile.

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