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China Reduces Tariff to Promote Domestic Demand

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Recently, the state authorities announced that from June 1, 2015, some consumer goods import tariffs would be reduced by more than 50% on average.

To reduce some consumer goods import tariff rates, it appears to be detrimental to the economic interests, but it is actually wise to promote domestic demand, but also a social consensus obtained in practice.

China Tourism Research Institute statistics show that China's outbound tourism trends in recent years show a substantial increase, overseas spending 20,000 yuan per capita, the proportion for shopping about 58%. Chinese people overseas shopping led to the capital outflow, so that our annual inbound and outbound tourism trade deficit exceeded 100 billion US dollars, which is not conducive to boost domestic demand and expand consumption, but not conducive to economic restructuring and upgrading.

Chinese people are keen to sweep goods overseas, which is a result of many complex reasons, unsound consumer market is an important factor, lack of brand building and counterfeit products seriously affect people's consumption enthusiasm. The more immediate reason is the high import tariffs on luxury goods and the undeveloped duty-free shopping level. Studies have shown that if the consumer goods import tariffs decrease by 10 percent, funding for overseas shopping will be returning 300 billion yuan. At the same time, the reduction of tariffs can attract more foreign brands into China, and can also promote domestic enterprises to further change the mode of operation and adjust the product structure.

It can be seen China is determined to reduce the tariff. At present, the economic is under downturn pressure, boosting domestic demand and promoting consumption is the key to economic growth and structural adjustment.

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