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中国力促跨境电商发展 将对进出口商品采取24小时收单

China Boosts Development of Cross-border E-commerce, Import and Export Commodities Bill Checked within 24 Hours

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Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on June 10th chaired a State Council executive meeting in Beijing, deploying measures to promote the healthy and rapid development of cross-border e-commerce. Related measures include clearance process optimization, cross-border e-commerce exports simplification and classification, record management on operating entities and commodities, import and export commodities bill checking within 24 hours.

The meeting noted that, the promotion of cross-border e-commerce healthy and rapid development and good items imports and exports through the "Internet + trade" would be conductive to expanding consumption, promoting the upgrading and development of an open economy and creating a new economic growth point.

The meeting pointed out, first, we should optimize the clearance process, simplify and classify the cross-border e-commerce exports, implement the record and management on the operating entities and commodity, take facilitation measures on import and export commodities, such as concentrated declaration, inspection, release and bill checking within 24 hours.

Second is to implement refund and tax exemption policy of the cross-border e-commerce retail products, to encourage cross-border electronic payment, to advance payment pilot of cross-border exchange, and to support domestic bank card clearing organization to expand overseas business.

Third is to encourage foreign trade enterprises to provide integrated services like customs clearance, warehousing, financing for cross-border e-commerce, to guide enterprises to standardize their operations, and to combat illegal infringement.

Fourth, to encourage cross-border e-commerce retail export business to expand marketing channels and to cultivate its own brand and self-built platform through overseas warehouses, stores and others, cultivate its own brand and self-built platform. Meanwhile, to reasonably increase imports of consumer goods. 

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