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跨境电商交易大增 进口商品有望全球同价

Cross-border E-commerce Transactions Surge, Imported Goods’ Price to be Same as Other Countries’

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核心提示:权威机构预测中国5年以后将成全球最大跨境B2C消费市场 2020年,中国有望成为全球最大的跨境B2C消费市场,中国跨境进出口电商将带动全球跨境消费年均增速拉高近4%。这是记者从日前举办的“中国跨境电商发展论坛”上获悉的。对消费者来说,一般进口贸易下的进口商品价格差价即歧视性定价正在消失,跨境进口电商有望实现全球同价。








Authorities forecast that China will become the world's largest cross-border B2C consumer market in five years.

By 2020, China is expected to become the world's largest cross-border B2C consumer market, China's cross-border e-commerce will drive the global cross-border consumption to grow nearly 4% on average every year. This is learned from the "Chinese cross-border e-commerce development forum" held recently. For the consumer, the price difference of imported goods through the general import trade that is disappearing and cross-border import e-commerce is expected to achieve the same price as other countries’.

Recently, Ali Institute jointly issued global cross-border B2C e-commerce trend report with Accenture in Beijing and forecast in 2020 global cross-border B2C e-commerce turnover will reach $ 994 billion, benefiting 943 million consumers worldwide.

It’s reported that, in recent years, global B2C market is growing rapidly, in the coming years it will continue to maintain an average annual growth rate of nearly 15%, from 2014 it will deal size will increase from 2014 $ 1.6 trillion to 2020 $ 3.4 trillion. Among them, the global cross-border B2C e-commerce grows rapidly.

In addition, in 2020 cross-border B2C consumers will increase to 900 million from 2014 309 million, with an annual increase of more than 21%, among them the new turnover of China and other Asia-Pacific countries tops with 53.6%.

Data shows that in 2014 China’s consumption abroad exceeded one trillion yuan, overseas visits exceeded 100 million. Insiders said that the price difference of goods through the general import trade lead people to shop abroad, while the cross-border import e-commerce is expected to change this dilemma and to achieve the same price as other countries’.


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