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Chinese Official to Announce Seven Measures to Support Steady Growth of Imports and Exports

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Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Shouwen told the reporter from the China news agency at a regular briefing of the state department policy, the executive meeting of the state council has examined and approved "a number of opinions on support steady growth of import and export", which includes seven measures and will be announced publicly recently.

On July 13, General Administration of Customs released the first half of 2015 China's import and export totaled 11.53 trillion yuan, down (yoy, as below) of 6.9%. Among this, exports 6.57 trillion yuan, an increase of 0.9%; imports 4.96 trillion yuan, down 15.5%; trade surplus 1.61 trillion yuan, expanding 1.5 times.

On July 15, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting, deployed policies and measures to promote the steady growth of imports and exports, and enhanced the momentum in expanding and opening.

On the 17th day of the briefing, Wang admitted to reporters, China's exports, "encountered pressure from the international market demand, also encountered a number of other difficulties."

Wang added, the aforementioned "opinions" made some specific provisions to further speed up the reform, simplify administrative procedures, focus on improving the business environment, effectively reduce the burden of enterprises and promote stability in foreign trade.

Wang introduced, the "Opinions" mainly included seven measures, in terms of improving trade environment, strengthening policy support, accelerating reform, highlighting innovation drivers, etc.

"We are now discussing and communicating with the relevant departments, in accordance with the division of responsibilities, we’ll accelerate and refine the implementation of relevant policies and measures to ensure that all policies will be implemented as soon as possible." Wang said, he believes these measures will boost foreign trade business confidence, stimulate market players vitality, and promote the smooth growth of imports and exports.

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