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建交25周年 中新合作全面提速

China and Singapore Establish diplomatic relations for 25 Years, New Cooperation Speeds up

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开拓西部合作 共推“一带一路”




提升自贸协定水平 尽快启动升级版谈判


China and Singapore have established diplomatic relations for over 25 years since 1990, to take this opportunity, high-level visits will be more closely, which also reflects the tightness of the new partnership. In the next three years, Sino-Singapore relationship will be in the process of upgrading, and should be further pushed f orward again.

To develop western cooperation and advance "one belt one road" together

Foreign minister Wang Yi pointed out that the new opportunity should also include new cooperation exploration.

At present, there is a good basis for cooperation, we have had two government cooperating projects, the Suzhou Industrial Park and Tianjin Eco-city. The Chinese hopes that on the basis for good cooperation, the Singapore could be able to meet the needs for Chinese western development, to accelerate the determination of the third-governmental cooperation project following the Suzhou Industrial Park and the Tianjin Eco-city.

Singapore’s Ambassador to China Luo Jialiang said China and Singapore would have two big cooperation projects in the future, one the updated version of bilateral free trade agreement, the second would be the third inter-government cooperation project.

Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean said that to promote the success of this project we should have the following features. First, we should be in step with China's western development. Second, the project should be innovative and can open up new areas and models. As China develops very fast, it can develop fast in many areas by virtue of its ability, we have to make the innovation embodied. Third, it should be commercially viable, lending itself to maintain the momentum.

Enhance the level of FTA, start FTA updating talks as soon as possible

Xu Liping from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said in an interview, the upgraded version of the talks could involve three main elements, one tariff reduction, the second is to expand the existing cooperation in the field of free trade agreements, the third is to explore new breakthroughs in trade services. "Singapore is well-developed in service sector, whether the two sides can have closer cooperation in the service sector , I think it’s very important." Xu Liping expressed.

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