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State Department Regulates Imports and Exports to Reduce Burdens on Foreign Trade Enterprises

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Following the "Opinions on Promoting the steady growth of imports and exports" issued on July 24, the State Council executive meeting made specific arrangements on the "cleaning up and regulating the import and export fees, alleviating enterprise development burden" on August 26.

This executive meeting of the State Council has done a clear requirement on lowering part of imports and exports fee, unifying trade port charging and prohibiting mandatory fees.

This year, China's foreign trade is under greater downward pressure. In the first seven months, China's export value reached 13.63 trillion yuan, down 7.3%. Among them, exports 7.75 trillion yuan, a slight decrease of 0.9%; imports 5.88 trillion yuan, down 14.6%; trade surplus 1.87 trillion yuan, expanding 1 times.

Although the above trade data is not ideal, there have been some signs of stabilization in China’s foreign trade. Our government takes efforts to facilitate trade and to create a good environment for foreign trade, China's foreign trade market diversification, imports & Exports regional distribution and trading conditions have been optimized and improved to some degree. However, the import and export enterprises still have heavier burdens, sorts of fees on imports and exports are still prevalent, it’s urgent to clear and normalize charges in imports and exports.

Reporters found at the Shandong ports that only the "port charges", contains the port security fee, document making fee, port charges, seal fees, documentation fees and warehouse information. Moreover, different maritime ports have different compositions and standards of fees.

"On the basis of the original cooperation with CIQ - 'one declaration, one inspection and one release', we will cancel recurring charges and cross-charging as the entry point, further promote the 'information exchange, mutual recognition of regulatory, law enforcement mutual aid', further improve regulatory efficiency, simplify customs procedures, and improve trade facilitation." Guangdong Panyu Customs Deputy Commissioner Taoyong said.

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