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27 Emerging Business Models Popular in US

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11. Oyster


公式创始人:Eric Stromberg, Andrew Brown, Willem Van Lancker


订购电子书已经成为了一种趋势,但是在过去的几年里,Oyster已经获得了成功。在2012年,这家社交阅读初创公司就获得了Founders Fund公司的300美元投资,之后他们又获得了1400万美元的融资,目前他们已经拥有50万份书籍内容,包括新闻发布,纽约时报最佳销量书籍,以及美国国家图书奖的获奖作家作品。其平台上的发行商数量更是达到了1600家。Oyster的每月订购费为9.95美元,这个价格比买一本书便宜多了。




公司创始人:Travis Kalanick和Garrett Camp



13. Serengetee


公司创始人:Jeff Steitz, Ryan Westberg,以及Nate Holterman


每个衣服口袋上都有一个Serengetee tee的图案。客户个性化的衬衫,标准颜色和口袋样式,代表着你正在支持一项事业,而且为解决一些全球性的问题做出了贡献。

“我们传递的信息,不是要去挽救世界,而是我们通过可持续性的商业模式,可以改变这个世界,”公司联合创始人Ryan Westberg说道。他们利用校园代表项目,发动了校园里的年轻人,预计在今年夏天会有2500人加入。


14. StyleSaint


公司创始人:Allison Beal和Brian Garrett


StyleSaint 公司位于洛杉矶,图片分享网站受到越来越多人的青睐。而 StyleSaint 更是将图片分享与电子商务完美结合,用户可以将自己搜集的图片在线制作成个人“时尚手册”,StyleSaint 会选择其中一部分投入实际生产,销售给用户。公司创始人Allison Beal开发了一个社区模型,她自称为“创造者的壁橱”,公司获得了101万美元的风险投资。这种直接与消费者建立联系的方式,有助于减少库存,对快销时尚行业非常有利。


15. Airbnb


公司创始人: Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk


像 Uber,Airbnb这些公司,都在受到法律问题的困扰,但是,整个市场价值高达100亿美元,而Airbnb已经成为了共享经济的一个典范,当然还有 Rent the Runway,Lyft,Neighborgoods等公司。消费者这种行为被称之为“协同消费”,该网站帮助了400万旅行者预订到了住所。


11. Oyster

Founded: 2013

Founder formula: Eric Stromberg, Andrew Brown, Willem Van Lancker

Innovation Perspective: e-books, with a gorgeous user interface.

It becomes a trend to order e-book, in the past few years, Oyster has already been successful. In 2012, this social reading company gained $300 investment from the Founders Fund, later it received a $14 million financing, and now they already have 500,000 books, including press releases, the New York Times best-selling books, and books of award-winning writers of the US National Book Award. The number of issuers at this platform reach 1600. Oyster’s monthly subscription fee is $9.95, cheaper than a book bought.

Experience: conform to media consumption habits trend, provide an irresistible price.


Founded: 2009

Company founder: Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp

Innovation Perspective: subvert the traditional taxi / transportation ecosystem with on-demand service drivers and dynamic price

Despite the difficulties in legal problems, as well as the pricing, Uber still become the most popular taxi tool in the world’s big cities. So far, the company has raised $1.5 billion of funds, and they also implied that they would expand into the logistics, such as providing the courier service of delivery on the same day.
Experience: Innovation is an uphill battle, but it is a very worthwhile fight.

13. Serengetee

Founded: 2012

Company founder: Jeff Steitz, Ryan Westberg, and Nate Holterman

Innovation Perspective: self-financing, motivation-oriented clothing, and a number of sales representatives on campus.

Each pocket of clothes has a design of Serengetee. Customers personalized shirts, standard colors and Pocket Style, all of these indicates that you are supporting a cause, and contributing to solve some global problems.

"the information we pass, is not going to save the world, but to change the world through sustainable business model," says co-founder Ryan Westberg. They use the campus representative project and call on the youth on campus, it is expected this summer there will be 2,500 people to join the project.

Experience: establish yourself as a personalized and social-concerned enterprise, people around you will “preach gospel" for you.

14. StyleSaint

Founded: 2010

Company founder: Allison Beal and Brian Garrett

Innovation Perspective: fashion and media combined, design inspiration from the customer's interest.

The StyleSaint company is located in Los Angeles, photo-sharing site has been more and more popular among people of all ages. And StyleSaint is the perfect combination of photo-sharing and e-commerce, users can collect their pictures online and then make them into individual "fashion Manual", StyleSaint will choose some, make production, then sell to users. The company’s founder Allison Beal developed a community model, which she claimed to be "creator closet", the company received a $1.01 million of venture capital. This business model establishes contact directly with consumers, helps reduce inventory, and has advantages on FMCG fashion industry.

Experience: customer is right, especially when the service you offer is what he wants.

15. Airbnb

Founded: 2008

Company founder: Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk

Innovation Perspective: a business model sharing economy, using vacant houses, apartments, and even homes, a subvert to the hospitality industry.

Like Uber, Airbnb is also plagued by legal issues, however, the market value is up to $10 billion, Airbnb has become a model in the share of economy, of course, Rent the Runway, Lyft, Neighborgoods included. This consumer behavior is called "collaborative consumption", the site has helped 4 million travelers book the residence.

Experience: sharing is caring, p2p model helps consumers save money, but also helps the owners make money, creating for the traveler a more authentic local experience.

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