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27 Emerging Business Models Popular in US

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核心提示:在美国,移动医疗也已有七大商业模式。 移动医疗的创业者和投资人最在意的无非是商业模式。虽然医疗健康行业市场大,但因为体系的复杂性,商业模式并不显而易见。 在美国,一些移动医疗产品已经有盈利模式,主要是向医院、医生、药企、保险公司和消费者进行收费。其商业模式则主要分为以下几种:



21. 为医院(或医生)提供信息化服务

Epocrates:全球第一家上市的移动健康公司。为医生提供手机上的临床信息参考,2012年营收约为1. 2亿美金,其中75%来自于药企,主要是为其提供的精准的广告和问卷调查服务。

Vocera: 为医院提供移动的通讯解决方案并向医院收费,其核心产品是一个让医生和护士戴在脖子上或别在胸前的移动设备,可以随时随地发送、接收信息,通话并设置提醒,取代了以往在医院里使用的BP机。


22. 为客户提供远程医疗服务





23. 客户关系服务



24. 信息化诊所运营商

One Medical Group:运营多家诊所,病人可以从网上预约并索取处方药,甚至获得检查结果的电子版,并通过网络查看个人健康结论。医生则可以通过网络访问电子病历。

25. 慢性病管理


26. 可穿戴设备生产商

美国运动外设厂商Jawbone已经推出了Jawbone UP智能手环,戴在手腕上,就能监测自己的日常活动、睡眠情况和饮食习惯等数据。人们可以将这款智能设备插在Android或者苹果iPhone手机显示这些监测数据,并给出一个长时间段的统计和分析结果。

27. 大数据服务


In the United States, there are also seven mobile health business models.

What the mobile health entrepreneurs and investors are most concerned about is nothing more than business model. Although the healthcare industry market is large, the business model is not obvious because of the complexity of the system.

In US, some mobile medical products have profit models, mainly charging to hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and consumers. these business models can be divided into the following categories:

21. To provide information technology services for hospitals (or doctors)

Epocrates: the world's first mobile health-listed company. It provides physicians with clinical information reference on the phone, in 2012 its revenues reached approximately 120 million dollars, of which 75% came from pharmaceutical companies, mainly through accurate advertising and survey services.

Vocera: for hospitals to provide mobile communication solutions to the hospital charges, the core product is a doctor and nurses worn around the neck or other mobile device in the chest can be sent at any time to receive information, call and set reminders, BP machine replaces the previously used in the hospital.  

Vocera in the United States has more than 300 hospital customers and annual revenues approach $100 million. In 2012 the company went public, and its market value is over 600 million dollars.

22. To provide telemedicine services

ZEO: a company providing a mobile sleep monitoring and personalized sleep guidance. Its product ZEO is a wrist strap and head sticker, which can record night's sleep cycle and gives a quality score via Bluetooth and cellphone or a bedside device. Users can have a quantitative understanding of their own sleeping through the score changes or the comparison with the average of the same age group.

In addition, for these people who sleep not well, ZEO also provides personalized guidance to sleep, and helps to find possible problems through a number of tests. ZEO products can be bought in many US department stores, 149 dollars one set. Subsequent income also includes the commission for personalized recommendations products and pharmaceuticals.

VOXIVA: a consulting firm providing SMS information services. Users enter a phone number and body-related cases, VOXIVA will recommend personalized health information. VOXIVA company has been listed.

Wello: to provide personalized, affordable fitness guide service for individuals. Wello connects them with fitness trainer through videos, providing real-time fitness guide. 89% of Americans want them more fit, Wello breaks the time and space constraints, so that users can exercise anywher. Also Wello also released a community, allowing users to do fitness in group.

23. Customer Relations Services

ZocDoc: based on location, insurance status, and the profession, it can recommend doctors for patients, and an appointment can be made directly on the platform. The company was founded in 2007, and received about 100 million dollars in financing. Zocdoc charges to doctors, patients free of charge.

Patients can more easily selec a doctor and make an appointment, doctors may get more patients, especially patients with insurance, which means he will get more revenue. Doctors need to pay $250 per month to use Zocdoc platform. According to the number of doctors Zocdoc released, its annual income should be more than ten million dollars.

24. The information clinic operators

One Medical Group: Operating many clinics, patients can make an appointment on line and obtain prescription drugs, or even test results of electronic version and view personal health conclusion through the network. Doctors can access electronic medical records through the network.

25. chronic disease management

WellDoc: a mobile technology company focusing on chronic disease management, its flagship product is a diabetes management platform of phone + cloud. Patients can use the phone to easily record and store glucose data. Cloud-based glucose data algorithm can provide personalized feedback to the patient, and timely remind doctors and nurses.

26. The wearable device manufacturers

The US sports peripheral manufacturer Jawbone has introduced Jawbone UP intelligent bracelet, as long as you wear it on the wrist, you can monitor your own daily activities, sleep and eating habits and other data. It can be inserted in the smart device Android or iPhone, to display these monitoring data, and give a statistical and analytical results for a long time period.

27. Big Data Services

Athenahealth: a leading global provider of health care technology. It provides a cloud-based electronic medical record services, business management, patient communication and coordination services, and provides mobile medical applications. This year it develops rapidly, and its medical information data geometrically increases, pushing tremendous pressure to the entire health care industry. Big Data technology makes the medical information enter a critical time for the leap-forward development.


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