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China's Electronics Industrial Transformation to Benefit Southeast Asia

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不过,根据经济学家罗纳德•曼(Ronald Man)说法,中期前景比他们想象得要乐观一些。






Since China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, the electronic products and parts manufacturers in Asia's largest economy have grown rapidly.

In 2003, China became the world's largest exporter of electronic products. From 2001 to 2003, China’s global market share jumped from 6% to 28%. For a long time, China's neighbors in Southeast Asian have been worried that with the high-end enterprise plant moving to China, China's electronics industry boom means domestic electronics industry will inevitably be eroded.

However, according to economist Ronald Man, medium-term prospects is more optimistic than that they imagined.

First, China's increasing market share is mainly from the United States, Japan and European companies. Market share growth rate of other Asian countries are following China - the case can be found in the attached drawings.

Looking ahead, China is trying transition the production of high-end electronic products - in this respect Lenovo, ZTE and Huawei are trying. Even though it must take several years to transit.

However, the transition to higher-margin products in China will bring additional benefits. For those countries with similar economic structures to China - at least with the similar labor force status to China - they will be able to fill the gap left by China's transformation.

For example, for a site for the plant, it will prove Indonesia and Vietnam more economical. In addition, HSBC also claimed that, Thailand’s AGDP is lower and Thailand could become another beneficiary in Chinese industrial transformation.

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