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China's Auto Industry Bullish in Economic Downturn

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In 2014, China's auto market became the eye-catching highlight in terms of boosting the weak macroeconomic. Recently China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data, in 2014 China car sales volume is 23,491,900, an increase of 6.9 percent for six consecutive years, ranking first in the world.

In 2014, the traditional automotive industry flourished, despite the Chinese government introduced a number of intensive car-related policies and measures, such as the policy supporting for development of new energy vehicles, the special activities to implement the provisions of the Auto three guarantee, anti-monopoly investigation, car sales management approach revisions and so on.

In recent years, China's auto consumption market has developed dramatically, winning the title of world's largest auto market for several years. In just a dozen years, China's car ownership increased by more than thirty times. If 2000 is regarded as the first year of a private car into Chinese households, it takes just 14 years that luxury car turns consumer goods in China.

Insiders pointed out that China regarded the auto market as a driving "carriage" to boost economy when China faced 2008 international financial crisis. China introduced many policies such as tax cuts, to stimulate demand for cars and economic growth. In the process of urbanization, the automobile production and consumption, is also expected to play an important role.

For 2015 market conditions, the Automobile Association expects annual car sales volume will be 25,130,000, the growth rate 7%, of which only 1% will appear in the car market, SUV's sales growth decreases to 25% from 36%, the Association believes that the rigid car consumer demand still exists, but purchase restriction measures will affect the development of the automotive consumer market.

Xu Changming said that China's auto market would maintain rapid growth from the perspective of the long term development law, and the future growth might be 8% -10%.
关键词: 汽车产业 逆势向好

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