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大宗商品全线崩溃 国际原油价格跌回10年前水平

Commodities Crumble, International Crude Oil Prices drop back to Level of 10 Years Ago

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From the second half of 2014, commodity price continued to decline, in the first half of this year 2015, the price is still down, many kinds of commodities are at a low price, for example, in the industries like energy, chemicals, rubber, textile, nonferrous metals, steel, agricultural products and building materials, the industry index is lowest since 2011; the prices of iron ore and rebar turn lowest in recent ten years, the international crude oil prices slump, falling to $40, almost dropping back to the level of 10 years ago.

The "2015 January to June China’s commodity economic data Report" (hereinafter "Report") from Commodity Data Business Community shows that in the first half of 2015 commodity price index (BPI) ends with 760 points and falls by 20 points, compared to the early of this year.

However, some market participants found something optimistic from the monthly trend.

Down trend has not changed, but the market opportunity appears

According to the report of the business community, although in the first half of this year the commodity trend is still not satisfactory, but after a slump in the second half of last year, in the first half of this year, the market is showing obvious upward momentum. It is reported that in the first half the commodity supply and demand index (BCI) is -0.18 on average, average monthly increase is -0.31%, which is a good performance in the past three years.

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