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China imports American rice for the first time

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核心提示:中国首次进口美国大米 China imports American rice for the first time
路透社7月4日报道,代表美国大米行业的美国大米协会(USA Rice)周三透露,就在上周,中国一家私人进口商首次购买了美国大米。
美国大米协会是一个旨在促进美国谷物销售的贸易组织,据该组织发言人迈克尔-克莱因(Michael Klein)介绍,上述中国进口商从加利福尼亚州太阳谷大米公司(Sun Valley Rice)采购了两个集装箱的中粒大米,重约40吨。
Reuters reported on July 4, last week, a private Chinese importer bought U.S. Rice for the first time, USA Rice, which represents the U.S. Rice industry, said on Wednesday.
Michael Klein, a spokesman for the American Rice association, a trade group that promotes grain sales in the US, said the Chinese importer had bought two containers of medium-grain Rice,  about 40 tonnes, from Sun Valley Rice of California.


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