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China's Imports of Auto Accessories Steadily Grow

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China's imports of Auto Accessories Steadily Grow

The rapid development of the domestic automobile industry not only makes China’s car ownership in China's rapidly rise, but also pushes up domestic demand for auto accessories. According to the Customs Information Network (www.haiguan.info) statistics, in the first half of 2014, China imported auto accessories valuable $15.162 billion, which increased by 15.22%, compared with same period last year.

imports of automotive parts in the first half of this year showed the following characteristics:

(1) monthly imports maintain sustained growth.
(2) general trade import is absolutely dominant, processing trade and customs special supervision region imports increased by 30%.
(3)EU is the main source of imports, imports from Mexico surges.
(4) FIEs are thriving, private enterprises imports rapidly grow.
(5)Jilin’s imports are leading, imports of Shanghai and Beijing rank second and third.

Lack of core technology is the root cause of China’s auto accessories imports steady growth. recent car wheels polishing workshop bombings occurring in Kunshan, Jiangsu also indirectly reflect the domestic accessories manufacturers "marginalized" dilemma due to the lack of core technology: foreign-invested enterprises monopoly on Chinese auto parts market. To break this monopoly, domestic independent auto parts producers must master the core manufacturing technology as quickly as possible, and actively establish auto parts supply chain system with vehicle manufacturers.

First, companies need to increase investment in independent research and development of automotive parts.
Second, the independent car companies need to strengthen cooperation with local parts production enterprises and establish its own supply chain as quickly as possible.

关键词: 汽车零配件 进口

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